Saturday, 10 February 2024



                                                     TROUBLE SHOOTING IN MARTIAL ARTS

      Hi Everyone, I am happy to communicate to you all after long time. Today I want to talk about Trouble shooting in Martial arts for  various Problems we face in martial arts or why we think or feel not satisfied from the benefits we get from Martial arts.

     Martial art is like our Mother, she cares each of her children with same love. But according to the children’s behaviors and attachment with the mother, children get more or less from her or it seems like.

     In my 26 yrs of Martial arts Experience as a Student and 15yrs of Experience as a Teacher each and every day I want to understand more about Martial arts, not just practicing it. I have seen many of my students enjoyed the benefits of martial arts and practicing it for more than 10yrs. And few Quit in the very beginning due to their own imagination about their own abilities or due to their parents over expectations when it comes to the kids.

When we ask a wise men, How to be successful in Love life, they always say don’t expect anything from other side but give yourself unconditionally. When we enroll in our Martial arts lessons or in any kind of Art lessons, first thing to do is to Love what we start to Learn. Then the art will already loves you and gives you everything it can. Without giving yourself if you expect from martial arts it won’t work.

     Here I want to Mention few Complaints from the Martial arts practitioners and their parents(for Kids students) and the Trouble shoot for those complaints.

1.         Stamina :   

     Very few face this feeling that they didn’t improve their stamina after years of training in martial arts.

Solution:   Consistency is the key for everything. Doing class for twice a week is never enough for not only martial arts for any Arts lessons. 

When I was a student I used to attend 9 sessions in a week including morning and evenings. And I also do lot of home work to improve my martial arts in every aspects. It is understandable that in this generation people are busy so they cannot give themselves just for martial arts. But they can really sacrifice their screen time, entertainments, unwanted talks and even reading books like frictions. I believe Nothing is important than our Health and fitness. We can put everything next to our Health & fitness.

Watching screens, playing games will reduce the stamina we gained from Martial arts or any other sports. Brain is the important part in our body to save whatever we gained through our training. Tiring our brain will definitely drain our stamina. Also it won’t take us anywhere better.

Solution is not just avoiding unwanted things from our life but increasing our training time with consistency.

2. Flexibility :    

    Flexibility is another issue many martial arts practitioners face. Flexibility differs from person to person according to the country they live, food they eat, also Hereditary, and how much they stretch their body every day. Not everyone need to do 180 split and should do some weird bending postures to become good in martial arts. But Flexibility is very important to keep our body speed even when we age and it reduces injuries in accidents and from fallings. So it is always good to keep stretching our body parts to live healthy and have good mobility for better life. Giving more importance to flexibility over the power workouts is what I recommend for my students. It doesn’t mean we should do less power training but more flexibility training.

3. Sparring:

    Sparring is the favorite part of most of us. Also very important in the self-defense aspect. As same as the flexibility, sparring skills also vary from person to person. But everyone can improve each and every day. To improve anything again we need the consistency. Sparring is also needs it. 

Doing sparring in every session or frequently may create some injuries which we always try to avoid. So it is always better to spar once a week or once in 2 weeks. Obviously if you are preparing for a tournament then you need to do sparring very often. Only through practice our sparring skills can be improved. We may lose our confidence when we try to compare our skill with other person. Healthy comparison to improve our self is to compare our today with our Yesterday. If you feel you are better than yesterday then you are improving. If you really defeat your opponent, then you should train more than your opponent.

Our experience is not Number of Years, but Number of Hours.

Seniority doesn’t mean you are in the dojo for many years. But the hours your trained and being an example to others in every aspects of MARTIAL ARTS.

4. Forms:  

Forms when I say this word to kids they start cry or become weak. Lol..

Doing forms is very important part in any traditional martial arts. It improves our Style (perfection) in stances, punches, kicks and each and every movements of martial arts. The strikes we use in a sparring or in real survival situation being practiced many times in the form of Forms (KATA). This improves our memory capacity, Balance, stability, mobility , stamina, etc.

If you feel your style in performing forms are not good enough. It means you didn’t practice them enough. It is very simple. Keep practicing. Practicing Forms are nothing but doing meditation.  Easy way of meditation is doing martial arts forms and fighting drills.

5. All over performance:    

     When it comes to all over performance, the result begins from the time we enter in to our Class. Important discipline in martial arts and in life, Punctuality. When we lose here, we are losing our rights to expect the result from every other thing.

     Next thing is Uniform. Wearing uniform has became a difficult thing for this generation people. If you see any martial art movies or in any traditional martial arts school, no one appear without uniform 🥋. It is not only a basic discipline but it works psychologically. Nothing has been created in martial arts is useless or unnecessary.  We have no rights to expect the result from anything when we don’t give our discipline in to it. No excuses when it comes to discipline. Because we get everything from it.

     Chit chatting is another thing we should avoid in the class. We should avoid any discussions unless it is related to martial arts or not very important for the particular session. (For kid’s class it is different story)

    One word we hate from our childhood is Homework. But without Homework we could have not finished our studies. Especially when it comes to any Art, Homework is as important as the Training Sessions. Learning and practicing is two different parts in doing an art. 

We only learn in the training sessions, practice will not happen in the training session. Even if you repeat something for 100 times in a training session, it is part of learning, not practicing.

 We should spend separate time to practice what we learnt in the training sessions. This will also speed up our learning and improvement.

   Hope you got some points and apply them to improve your Skills & Fitness from Martial arts training.

All the Best.

With Love

Guru Manikandan

Founder of FightBack Combat Academy

Founder of Yutha sasthiram martial arts

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