Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone Doing Great. Today's topic is about Stretching & Endurance training which take almost Half of your training time in your Martial arts class. Few may think i am here to learn Martial arts why should i spend More than 20 mins to do stretching & endurance. and Few think why Same Boring workouts every class.
I will give you the Answers below.
First in Fighting Aspect :
With out Flexibility and strength it is like Fighting your opponent with Eggs, Even if you hit in a Vital point, opponent not going to feel the pain but you are going to loose your Eggs. Instead we should be like Whip.
Whip is flexible and Fast, strong enough and So much Painful.
Without doing Stretching Exercises and Strengthening exercises and Endurance we cannot do Martial arts. There is no use if we do.
Second in Health Aspect :
To be Healthy we should Stretch our Muscles everyday and Some endurance to keep our Heart Healthy to pump the blood everywhere in our body. Which is very essential for our health. We all see Cats and Dogs Stretches their body every morning or after they wake-up from sleep. it is Natural. Humans don't do it naturally because we live artificial life.
And another question rises now, That why we do the same stretches and few endurance every class.?
Answer: we have the same body for the whole life. nothing is going to change. every joins and muscles going to be there wherever it was where we born right? So we need to do the same stretching and strengthening exercises in every class.
Now i explain the Stretching and strengthening exercises we do and why.?
All the Stretching and endurance exercises we do in martial arts has taken from Yoga. We all know what is Yoga for. Obviously to keep us Fit and Healthy.
In yoga we call the Joints rotation exercises as Shukshama Vyayama.
Which activates all the small joints like Wrist, Elbows, shoulders, knees and ankles and fingers.
and other workouts called Stithili karna vyayama
Which is some endurance like Jogging, Hopping, Butt kicks and High knees and also like Cobra stretch and Surya namaskar( we split it and do it ) as seperate vajrasana, sasankasana, chaturanga dandasana etc. also we practice Chakrasana and other Asanas to strengthen out spin and other body parts. In more of the Martial art classes they practice most of these Exercises without knowing there are doing Yoga. But it is Yoga.
As yoga is not only Physical work it also for Mind.
Obviously Martial arts needs Mind work, Where do we get it from do you think?
Yes from Forms and Drills and also from the Exercises with proper Breathing.
So it is very important to do the same routine in every class without feeling boring. May be we can do the same thing differently and add some variants. But it is very important to work all your Joints and Muscles every day or at least every class.
We do nothing useless in Martial art class.
Our Body is very important for Fighting, Not only with your physical Enemy but also with Mental enemies of our Life. Good Body Holds Good Mind and Good Mind strive to have a good Body.
All the very Best. Take care
Guru Manikandan
Learn to win - Martial arts school
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