Saturday, 3 October 2020

Spiritual Dimension of Yoga


Spiritual Dimension of Yoga 

Project report


 Manikandan Ragunathan

September 2020


 Spiritual Dimension of Yoga



1. Introduction 

2. Purpose of Life 

3. Secret of Life & Creation 

4. Enjoy the Freedom 

5. Slowly progress in the path of Enlightenment 

6. Reach the Blissfulness with the help of a Guru



1. Introduction


Spirituality is becoming a common word with people in current generation. But Most of them doesn’t know what it really means. Spirituality is not just Going to the temple, Singing Bajans and chanting mantras in the free time, and in the rest of the time living a Normal life with Greed, Jealous, Anger, Lust etc..


And also it is not just going behind the God and not taking care of our own life, not taking care of our Health and Being Selfishness and not thinking about other Humans and all other living Beings. Spirituality is Understanding ourselves as God and all other creations around us. Nothing has been created here just to live and die. Everything has a unique value and Eternal Energy.

How Yoga Helps to Travel the path of Spirituality?

The above question is totally wrong because Yoga doesn’t help us to travel in the path of Sprituality, Yoga itself is spirituality. And we will see more about this below.


2. Purpose of Life


Whatever happening in this universe has its own purpose. Glowing sun, Beautiful Moon, Vast Ocean, Non stop Tides in the Sea, Barking Dogs, Flying insects, everything has its purpose in this world.

What could be the purpose of Humans?

Schooling ? Marriage? Reproduction ? Job or Business? Buying House and Car? Nothing above these are the purpose of our Life.

These are the things we Just copied from someone who were not really known What is the purpose of life is. And We were been and being following someone and we are being passing on this wrong knowledge to our Children and society to just blindly follow us. We have no time to think about the purpose of life. But still we are being a part of this universe and the universe is need us to be the whole universe. The energy keeps us living is the energy keeping this universe to be the universe. Our purpose of life is just to know the truth why we are here and what are our capacities as a Eternal Energy. We are Deep inside the Drama we created with lots of fake commitments by unnecessary Gatherings from outside keeps us away from the truth about who we really are. Finding the truth and walking the path to finding the truth is called Spirituality. 

3. Secret of Life & Creation


3.1. Secret of Life and Secret of Creation is not Easy to find when we are fully tangled in the fake commitments which been blindly followed for Generations. We have to spend our whole life or take more Births to find out the secret of Life and creation. There is no much difference between life and creation. Whatever is outside of us is also there inside us. It is always better to look inward to find the truth than looking outward because outward is vast to compare to the self. Once we understand what is inside us and what are the process happening in our punca koshas, Than we will also understand what is happening outside of us. As mentioned above everything is common outside and inside of us. Punca koshas are an example.

Water, Air, Fire, Space and Earth. Without any one of these There is no human life as well as the universe. To go inward we have some practices to do which is called Yoga.

3.2. In yoga there are different options to travel the path of Spirituality. Like Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti yoga and karma yoga. In western countries Yoga is being just the physical exercise. Physical part of the yoga is very important which is called Raja yoga. But it is not just the physical part that can lead you to the spiritual life. We should do Astanga Yoga which has 8 different levels of Yoga. Which are


1. Yama

2. Niyama

3. Asana

4. Pranayama

5. Prithyahara

6. Dharana

7. Dhyana

8. Samadhi


We should reach all these 8 stages to reach the Final stage of Spirituality called Moksha.

3.3. Yama & Niyama are the two Stages to absorb and understand the

Process of happening in and outside of us. And the third stage Asana is the physical exercise part which includes the postures to realize the real capabilities of our Body level and increase it slowly. By doing the asanas it gives us more confidence in physical level which increases our will power, and then by doing pranayama it keeps our life energy in high level to make us do Meditation to increase the power of ones mind which gives us creative power and discrimination power.

Prithyahara is the process happen in our mind level after it gets ready to concentrate. Dharana is the level of concentration were several subjects with several thoughts floating in the mind being reduced to one subject with several thoughts and then  bring it to one subject with a single thought.

Then next stage is Dhyana.

Dhyana is de-focusing, it is effortless Dharana.

Then the last stage of Astanga yoga is Samadhi. Samadhi is Merger. There is no different subject and object in this level. Samadhi is super conscious state. To moving to this stage will all the process mentioned above is Sprituality. It cannot be achieved in a single day or may not in a whole life too. When we start how we start and how we progress will determine the time to reach the Destination of spirituality.  

 4. Enjoy the Freedom

Freedom is not just doing whatever we want or whatever we can.

Freedom is just being away of unnecessary gathering of our life which we gathered physically as Things and relationships, Mentally as in unwanted thoughts and desires and emotions, and by the health the Deceases we received from the wrong life style. Unwanted knowledge we gathered from the technology and other sources.

When we get away from all these unwanted things we will reach the self freedom. The self freedom will let us think about the truth and the path to the truth and will lead us in the path and make us reach the destination the Truth(Moksha).

 5. Progressing  in the path of Enlightenment

Progressing in the path of Enlightenment should happen without any distractions. Yoga is helpful to make us concentrate on where we have to travel and the right path to our destination.

Progress can happen starting from Intellectual level to physical level and then go to mental level, or starts with Intellectual level and then mind and then to physical level.

There will be more than one path to the same destination. Who we travel is not important but the destination.

Also how fast you travel is also not important unless your concentration is not gets distracted from the travelling. 

6. Reach the Blissfulness with the help of a Guru

We talked about the destination which is Blissfulness of the super----_consciousness us. To do anything in life we need a Guru. Once we born we don’t even know how to talk and how to walk but our parents being a Guru and teaching us all the things to make our life efficient.

To do basic things we had a Guru ( our parents or Guardians ) . To know the Path to our destination we should definitely have a guru.

When we are ready to travel in the path of Sprituality (Yoga) we will find a Guru. And it will happen like a magic.

As There is a Saying in English

When a Student is ready , The teacher will Appear.



 7. Conclusion


Spirituality is the purpose of life. Not reaching the Moksha and living the Fake life as one of the person as a society for the society and by the society will not take ourselves anywhere than to the Death and the Rebirth.

Merging the Jeevathma (Individual self) with Paramathma ( universal Self) is Yoga. In Sanskrit it is called Yuj. The spiritual dimension of Yoga is actually the Purpose of Yoga. 

If Yoga become a subject in Schools and colleges to make everyone study and understand about the purpose of life. Then there will be an end to the Drama happening around the world and it may lead to an another creation happening in this universe. Whatever happens in the universe we can be a joyful super consciousness part of the Universal Energy.  

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